Feb 21, 2023
This week, we take a deep dive into things we wish we had known at a much younger age, including the importance of being humble and teachable plus the importance of making time for rest and play. This is a great episode to share with a younger friend and then discuss your individual gifts and purpose. We share a great question to get that conversation started (plus the one question we should all stop asking our college friends).
Here are two things we wish we had known sooner in life....
1. Always be humble & teachable
The two commandments the Lord repeats most often are warnings about idols & rest. Idolatry is seeking security or meaning in something other than God. Don't get too impressed with yourself!
"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver seat. I am." Matthew 16:4 (The Message)
Everyone can teach you something. We all need someone ahead of us, behind us, and beside us.
We have to let God lead and remember we are not in charge or in control. When we ask for daily bread, we are trading control for His trust and his peace.
2. Make time for rest and play
"We are restless when we rest less." Rebekah Lyons
We have to learn what it means to take a sabbath and it has to be nonnegotiable.
"The Jewish day begins at sunset. In the Jewish world, the first thing you do on sabbath is go to bed. Your day doesn't begin with production and getting out of bed thinking about all the things you need to do each day. Your identity is soley in the completed work of Christ. Sabbath is a reminder of who we belong to, not something to accomplish. Want to sabbath well? Here's how: Rest. Play. Don't Work. Remember God loves you." Tyler Staton (Living Like Monks, Praying Like Fools)
Want to learn more about Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families? Message Angela or click here
You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel!
Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
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